CASSCOMM WiFi Hot Spot Locations

All CASSCOMM Customers Gain Free Access

TownHotspot locations
Arenzville, ILArenzville Firehouse
Ashland, ILCity Hall
New Beginnings Church parking lot
Bath, ILPark & Baseball Diamond
Beardstown, ILFootball and Track Field, Bearstown Square, Roy Roberts Park, Schmoldt Park, and Sudbrink Waterpark.
Chandlerville, ILElmwood Park,
Jim Edgar Panther Creek,
Equestrian Campground
Nates Park
Forest City, ILPolice Department & campground
Goofy Ridge, ILFire House
Griggsville, ILWestern Illinois Fairgrounds
City Hall
Havana, ILMain Street (free wifi)
River center & boating docks
Kilbourne, ILFire Station
Manito, ILManito Pool & Veterans Park
Mason City ILCity Park by the Coach Light Trailer Park
Mt. Sterling, ILBrown County High School
Baseball fields & Pool
Petersburg, ILNSPOA Campgrounds, Petersburg Fairgrounds, and Porta High School (athletic fields)
Oakford, ILFire Department
Pittsfield, ILKing Park Pool
Pleasant Plains, ILClayville
Library & Fire Department
Riverton, ILRiverton Center Park & Riverton Athletic Club (feeds baseball, softball and football fields on Lincoln Street)
Rushville, ILSchuyler County Fair Grounds, Scripps Park Pool & Town Square (free service to all)
Sherman, ILSherman Athletic Club, Interstate 55 Exit Rest Stop, and Waldrop Park
Spring Lake, ILPeoria Sportsmans Club
Talbot, ILFire Department
Virginia, ILJennie Marr Dunaway Park, Town Square, and Jim Edgar Panther Creek (Equestrian horse & camping area 1 & camping location area 2)
Versailles ILSwimming Pool &
Community Center
WIlliamsville, ILCommunity Park

How to connect

CASSCOMM Customers

  1. Open your laptop.
  2. Search for WiFi community then click and connect to CASSCOMM.
  3. Click on your internet browser.
  4. Enter your CASSCOMM email and password information.

SURF AWAY! Service is available for free for an unlimited amount of time. You will have to re-enter your log-in information after 24 hours has elapsed.

Not a CASSCOMM Customer?

No problem. We’ve got you covered! You are just minutes away from surfing. All you need is a valid credit card.

  1. Open your laptop.
  2. Click on your internet browser.
  3. Choose a desired package (1 hour, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week or 1 month)
  4. Create your log-in information
  5. Enter your credit card information
  6. Surf away!

Pricing for Non CASSCOMM customers

  • 1 Hour – $1.99
  • 1 Day – $4.99
  • 3 Days – $9.99
  • 1 Week – $14.99
  • 1 Month – $49.99

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